Friday, August 13, 2010

Security vs.Freedom, What to Look For?

If you tend toward the predictable in your own life, you’ll want to look for the following in a potential girlfriend:

*Financial security: has no credit-card debt, has a stable job in a readily employable career, owns a house/condo.

*Calm demeanor: meditates, is in a job where she uses listening skills (therapist, mediator, judge, teacher).

*Planning: keeps a personal calendar, makes lists.

If you tend towards the spontaneous, you’ll want to look for the following in a potential girlfriend:

*Bubbly personality: emotionally expressive, gesticulates when she talks.

*Spontaneity: introduces friends to new restaurants, foods, music and people; is involved with new projects whenever you see her.

*Flexibility: doesn’t stay at a job for more than a couple of years, changes cars and apartments as often, manages to have the time/money to take long vacations/compete in a sailing race/volunteer overseas for the summer.

Next: Connectedness vs. Independence

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